Non-Discrimination Policy

SPLASH BOYZ ATHLETICS Athletics does not discriminate against the players, player's families, coaches, or other participants in the basketball programs and games based on, and not limited to:

SPLASH BOYZ ATHLETICS does not tolerate in any shape or form behavior that can be considered harassment, a form of discrimination that has a negative impact on the sports environment. Harassment can be any action or words that are, or should be known to be, humiliating, embarrassing, offensive, demeaning, or unwelcome; subtle microaggression and expressions of prejudice.

Here are some examples as part of a non-exhaustive list of forms of harassment that are not encouraged or tolerated by SPLASH BOYZ ATHLETICS:

SPLASH BOYZ ATHLETICS aims to create and maintain a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment for all our coaches, players, staff, families, and others who are part of our activities and operations. To no extent do we tolerate discrimination of any kind which could potentially impact our basketball teams and coaches.

You are encouraged to contact us if you have knowledge of any discriminatory behaviors or attitudes within our team.