Frequently Asked Questions

Can I play other sports and still play travel basketball?

Theoretically yes, but we don't advise this. Participating in travel basketball requires commitment, including practice twice a week and full weekends. We strongly advise against engaging in other sports at a competitive level. Such action will make it unlikely that you will have the time to commit to the team.

You may practice other sports recreationally, involving less demanding physical activity, if you find it appropriate and beneficial to your physical and mental fitness.

Do I need to attend a tryout if I was on the team last year?

No, you are not required to attend a tryout if you were on the team the previous year.

Are you an AAU member?

Yes, we are a registered member of the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) organization.

Do training sessions take place all year round?

Yes, training sessions take place all year round and all seasons.

Do you have multiple teams per age level?

Yes, we do have multiple teams per age level.

Do you play tournaments that are out of town and stay overnight?

Yes, we participate in invite-only tournaments that are held out of town and may require overnight stays.

Do you travel outside the state?

Yes, select teams will travel for tournament play outside the state.

Does participating in the tournaments cost extra?

No, the cost of these tours is included in the monthly fee, there is no additional expense.

Is there a cost to tryout?

There is no cost for the tryout.

Is there a fee for basketball equipment?

No, all basketball equipment is provided at no additional expense; it is fully covered by the monthly fee.

What are the criteria for team membership?

To be eligible to join our team, children must have a minimum of two years of experience playing competitive basketball. Preferably, kids should have been previously involved in tournament-only teams.

What does AAU mean?

AAU stands for 'Amateur Athletic Association'. It is an amateur basketball league. All players must be amateurs. AAU hosts the annual American Amateur Basketball championship for AAU teams.

Where do the practices take place?

Practice sessions are held at Canyon Lake Middle School and surrounding middle schools.

Who evaluates the skills of children prior to their inclusion in the team?

All children are evaluated by our coaching staff led by Dominic Priestley, during the first practice tryout session. While the evaluation is conducted by all coaches, the final decision will be made by our head coach, Dominic Priestley. Children must have prior experience in competitive basketball, preferably within tournament teams, given that we are a tournament-only team.